E1: 20 Questions

Question 1

Q: What is the best food for a hot summer day?

A: On a hot summer day, I wouldn't want anything hot or greasy. My go to is a tasty Acai Bowl.

Question 2

Q: When is a normal time for you to go to sleep?

A: Usually, I start getting sleepy at about 11:30 PM and fall asleep around midnight.

Question 3

Q: What is your favorite bird?

A: Penguins! They are so cute, especially when they waddle.

Question 4

Q: Who is your favorite graphic designer?

A: I love Cey Adams' work. He helped with the visual identities of many early hip-hop acts.

Question 5

Q: Is there any type of specific art you like?

A: Besides the traditional forms of art, I like soccer. I believe soccer is an art because there are no set plays. When the ball is at my feet, I have full creative control on what I do with it.

Question 6

Q: Who’s your favorite character from a book, show, game, etc?

A: My favorite film is Drive and I love Ryan Gosling's character "The Driver." I don't want to say too much about the film but as the films hero, he is so real and relatable and Gosling's performance is incredible.

Question 7

Q: If you had to pick a superpower what would it be and why?

A: I would love to be able to create portals that allow me to teleport anywhere I want. I've never left North America and I there's so many places I want to visit. I also wouldn't have to pay for another GMU parking pass again.

Question 8

Q: What is your favorite horror movie?

A: Hereditary! I think horror movies that rely on jump scares suck but this movie was a mental rollercoaster. Two of my other favorites are The Shining and It Follows.

Question 9

Q: What's your favorite dessert?

A: Jeni's Ice Cream had this special flavor named "Snowflake." It's mint ice cream with white chocolate chip and while it doesn't seem like it would be much of a change from mint with regular chocolate chip, the white chocolate made all the difference. The flavor was only for a limited time and I'm really hoping they bring it back.

Question 10

Q: What's your favorite thing to do in quarantine?

A: I make music and I'm working on putting out a mixtape. I'm still trying to find my own unique sound and it's been fun experimenting with my vocals.

Question 11

Q: What is your current favorite music album to listen to?

A: I'm kind of all over the place but Dijon's "How Do You Feel About Getting Married?" & Ryan Beatty's "Dreaming of David" are my favorite projects of 2020.

Question 12

Q: Do you have any pets?

A: No, but I wish I owned a Shih Tzu. They're adorable.

Question 13

Q: What is your major?

A: I'm studying Graphic Design!

Question 14

Q: What's your morning routine?

A: I start each day by brushing my teeth, checking the stores in my Animal Crossing Village, then making myself avocado toast for breakfast. I like to watch YouTube videos while I eat and I've been watching a lot of skateboarding videos during quarantine.

Question 15

Q: Any podcasts you recommend?

A: I don't listen to any podcasts so I can't recommend any :(.

Question 16

Q: Which text editor program should we be using for the first exercise?

A: Atom is the way to go.

Question 17

Q: What's the weirdest dish you have ever tried?

A: I tried the Mac N' Cheetos from Burger King and yeah.. not doing that again.

Question 18

Q: How do you pronounce .gif(the file format)?

A: I know that it's supposed to be pronounced as "jif" but I say "gif" anyways. "Jif" sounds weird.

Question 19

Q: Does it truly matter one way or the other how someone pronounces it?

A: Yes, pronouncing it the correct way is incorrect.

Question 20

Q: Who is your favorite music artist/band?

A: Frank Ocean is my all time favorite artist.